Risk Assessment and Mitigation

ZRA has 25 years of experience assisting the federal government and critical infrastructure stakeholders in assessing and managing security risks. Since 9/11, federal entities have identified the need to develop methodologies to categorize, quantify, and facilitate informed decisions throughout the systems engineering life cycle. Our approach relies on government and industry best practices, including data collection, scenario design, and functional methodologies. We produce Risk Blueprints® to reflect capital assets, high-value functions, and essential services that provide a long-term foundation for risk assessment and continuous refinement.


Threat & TTP Assessments

ZRA offers a structured methodology for evaluating risks by considering attacker tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) within the Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) IT and stakeholder communities. Our analysis considers threat actor origins and threat surfaces, such as attacks across the adversarial tactics, techniques, and common knowledge (ATT&CK) framework and clients IT processes. This approach pinpoints where, how, and why threats matter to our clients.

Vulnerability Frameworks & Mapping

For over 25 years, ZRA has conducted vulnerability assessments by utilizing best practices and risk management tools. We perform endpoint detection and response and vulnerability mapping against high-value assets (HVAs) and national critical functions. ZRA has supported compliance with Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Memorandum 2131 to enhance the federal governments' investigative and remediation capabilities. We focus on event log management that aligns with the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation Program and delivers security data as part of the National Cyberspace Protection System.

HVA Blueprints®

ZRA provides functional HVA blueprints with essential cybersecurity information for client risk assessments, such as data storage, IT infrastructure, and internal business interactions. These blueprints are customized for unique HVAs, customer services, and critical infrastructure assurance. Our blueprints enable senior leaders, managers, and decision-makers to make well-informed risk decisions.

Baseline Security Metrics

ZRA assists clients in designing and implementing Baseline Security Metrics derived from new risk assessments or leadership requirements. Program managers can incorporate these metrics into Zero Trust Maturity Models and adhere to OMB and CISA directives, such as Binding Operational Directives, security log reporting, and portfolio risk calculations.

Customized Scenario Library

ZRA is a prominent provider of scenario libraries for clients with specialization in national security, critical infrastructure, and cybersecurity scenarios. For over 25 years, we have developed a comprehensive set of assumptions and risk data for clients to conduct thorough portfolio risk analyses and generate valuable data. Our methodology is based on best practices from the federal government, industry, and professional associations that address risk-related needs.

Leadership Decision Briefs & Memorandum

ZRA assists managers in preparing decision briefs and memoranda to help government leaders understand the implications of significant decisions. Our teams understand the multifaceted nature of critical decisions, such as financial, operational, managerial, and compliance considerations. Our diverse team is experienced and skilled in effectively communicating complex variables to decision makers and executive leadership.

Learn more about Our Solutions

ZRA offers a suite of expert solutions designed to help organizations navigate complexity, manage risk, and achieve their strategic goals with confidence. Our solutions include Program Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) to streamline project management, Cost Estimation for accurate budgeting and resource planning, and Regulatory Compliance to ensure adherence to evolving legal and industry standards.

Our Services
Mission Support Services
Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Cyber Systems Engineering Lifecycle
Budget and Acquisition Management
Performance Management
Education and Coaching
Compliance and Audit
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Program WBS
Cost Estimates
Regulatory Compliance
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Contract Vehicle 541611
Contract Vehicle 54151S
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